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    책 정보

    · 제목 : Anne of Green Gables (Hardcover) 
    · ISBN : 9781402714511
    · 쪽수 : 312쪽
    · 출판일 : 2004-10-01


    1. Mrs. Rachel Lynde Is Surprised
    2. Matthew Cuthbert Is Surprised
    3. Marilla Cuthbert Is Surprised
    4. Morning at Green Gables
    5. Anne's History
    6. Marilla Makes Up Her Mind
    7. Anne Say Her Prayers
    8. Anne's Bringing-up Is Begun
    9. Mrs. Rachel Lynde Is Properly Horrified
    10. Anne's Apology
    11. Anne's Impressions of Sunday School
    12. A Solemn Vow and Promise
    13. The Delights of Anticipation
    14. Anne's Confession
    15. A Tempest in the School Teapot
    16. Diana Is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results
    17. A New Interest in Life
    18. Anne to the Rescue
    19. A Concert, a Catastrophe, and a Cofession
    20. A Good Imagination Gone Wrong
    21. A New Departure in Flavorings
    22. Anne Is Invited Out to Tea
    23. Anne Comes to Grief in an Affair of Honor
    24. Miss Stacy and Her Pupils Get Up a Concert
    25. Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves
    26. The Story Club Is Formed
    27. Vanity and Vexation of Spirit
    28. An Unfortunate Lily Maid
    29. An Epoch in Anne's Life
    30. The Queen's Class Is Organized
    31. Where the Brook and River Meet
    32. The Pass List Is Out
    33. The Hotel Concert
    34. A Queen's Girl
    35. The Winter at Queen
    36. The Glory and the Dream
    37. The Reaper Whose Name Is Death
    38. The Bend in the Road

    Questions, Questions, Questions by Arthur Pober, Ed.D
    About the Authur, About the Illustrator

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