
  • 판매자 배송
  • 마이클 W. 애플 (엮은이)Routledge2009-12-08
  • 새상품
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    책 정보

    · 제목 : The Routledge International Handbook of the Sociology of Education (Hardcover) 
    · ISBN : 9780415486637
    · 쪽수 : 446쪽
    · 출판일 : 2009-12-08


    Part One: Perspectives and Theories  1. ‘Spatializing’ the Sociology of Education Susan L. Robertson  2. Foucault and Education Ines Dussel  3. Education and Critical Race Theory David Gillborn and Gloria Ladson-Billings  4. The Ethics of National Hospitality and Globally Mobile Researchers Johannah Fahey and Jane Kenway  5. Towards a Sociology of the Global Teacher Meg Maguire  6. Codes, Pedagogy and Knowledge Ursula Hoadley and Johan Muller  7. Social Democracy, Complexity and Education Mark Olssen  8. The ‘New’ Connectivities of Digital Education Neil Selwyn  9. A Cheese-slicer by any Other Name? Shredding the Sociology of Inclusion Roger Slee  10. The Sociology of Mothering Carol Vincent  11. Rationalisation, Disenchantment and Re-enchantment Philip A. Woods 12. Recognizing the Subjects of Education Deborah Youdell  Part Two: Social Processes and Practices  13. Doing the Work of God Michael W. Apple  14. New States, New Governance and New Education Policy Stephen J. Ball  15. Towards a Sociology of Pedagogies Bob Lingard  16. Families, Values, and Class Relations Andrew Brantlinger, Laurel Cooley and Ellen Brantlinger  17. Popular Culture and the Sociology of Education Greg Dimitriadis  18. Schooling the Body in a Performative Culture John Evans, Brian Davies and Emma Rich  19. Tracking and Inequality Adam Gamoran  20. Economic Globalisation, Skill Formation and the Consequences for Higher Education Phillip Brown and Hugh Lauder  21. Education and the Right to the City Pauline Lipman  22. A Revisited Theme ? Middle Classes and the School Maria Alice Nogueira  23. Governing without Governing Antonio Novoa  24. The University in the Twenty-First Century Boaventura de Souza Santos  Part Three: Inequalities and Resistances  25. The Indian Middle Classes and Educational Advantage Geetha B. Nambissan  26. Equality and Social Justice Kathleen Lynch, Margaret Crean and Marie Moran  27. Educational Organizations and Gender in Times of Uncertainty Jill Blackmore  28. Bringing Bourdieu to ‘Widening Participation’ Policies in Higher Education Pat Thomson  29. The Sociology of Elite Education Agnes Van Zanten  30. The Dialogic Sociology of the Learning Communities Ramon Flecha  31. The Democratization of Governance in the Citizen School Project Luis Armand Gandin  32. Syncretism and Hybridity Kris D. Gutierrez, Arshad Ali and Cecilia Henriquez  33. Dilemmas of Race-Rememory Buried Alive Grace Livingston  34. Momentum and Melancholia Louise Morley  35. Sociology, Social Class and Education Diane Reay  36. Interfaces Between the Sociology of Education and the Studies about Youth in Brazil Marilia Pontes Sposito  37. Social Class and Schooling Lois Weis

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