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Foreword xix
Introduction xxi
Part I Get to Know Twitter 1
Chapter 1 Understand Twitter 3
Twitter History and Definitions 4
Twitter’s Technology 10
Twitter’s Rapid Ascent 14
Twitter’s Financial Future 16
What Makes Tweeps Tick? 17
Twitter’s Culture 33
The Main Points 37
Chapter 2 Who’s Using Twitter for What? 39
Demographics 40
Individual Users 43
Bots, Games, and Memes 56
Small and Home-Based Businesses 60
Not-for-Profits: Charities, Causes, the Arts, Houses of Worship, and Associations 62
Academia and Higher Education 63
Government 64
Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, and Communications Professionals 65
Media Outlets 67
Sports and Entertainment 70
Corporations and Brands 72
The Main Points 85
Chapter 3 Twitter, the Multipurpose Platform 87
What Twitter Can Accomplish 88
Key Questions to Consider for Branding 119
The Main Points 125
Part II Month 1: Master Twitter Fundamentals 127
Chapter 4 Week 1: Get on Twitter 129
Monday: Create an Account 130
Tuesday: Find People to Follow 147
Wednesday: Learn Twitter Lingo 153
Thursday: Access Twitter 161
Friday: From Lurking to Leaping 163
The Main Points 167
Chapter 5 Week 2: Find and Attract Followers 169
Followers and Following 170
Monday: Use Basic Search to Find Followers 173
Tuesday: Add New Friends 179
Wednesday: Attract Followers 185
Thursday: Syndicate Your Tweet Content 195
Friday: Tools to Help Build and Manage Followers 197
The Main Points 203
Chapter 6 Week 3: Use Twitter Search and Other Tools to Improve Your Experience 205
Search and Other Tools for Twitter 206
Monday: Master Twitter Search 206
Tuesday: Use Tools to Enrich Your Tweets 215
Wednesday: Analyze Your Twitter Activity 227
Thursday: Experiment with Other Useful Twitter Tools 236
Friday: Fun with Twitter Tools 241
The Main Points 246
Chapter 7 Week 4: Track and Monitor What Twitter Generates for You 247
Twitter Metrics 248
Monday: Understand What to Track and How to Review It 248
Tuesday: Alerts—Simple Tracking Tools 255
Wednesday: Advanced Tracking Tools 260
Thursday: Compile Tracking Data 267
Friday: Review, Analyze, and Respond to Tracking Data 270
The Main Points 275
Part III Month 2: Develop and Launch Your Strategic Plan 277
Chapter 8 Week 5: Develop a Successful Twitter Strategy 279
Monday: Study Brands Succeeding with Twitter 280
Tuesday: Different Approaches to Develop Your Strategy 292
Wednesday: Study Strategies for Market Verticals 296
Thursday: Twitter’s Role in Your Overall Marketing Strategy 302
Friday: Avoid Pitfalls 303
The Main Points 307
Chapter 9 Week 6: Establish Goals and Get Corporate Buy-In 309
Monday: Establish Objectives 310
Tuesday: Measure and Report Upon Your Objectives 314
Wednesday: Determine Tweet Topics 317
Thursday: Assign Resources 322
Friday: Get Company Buy-In 325
The Main Points 328
Chapter 10 Week 7: Get Your Brand Started on Twitter 329
Monday: Claim Your Brand’s Twitter Name 330
Tuesday: Set Up Your Brand’s Profile 335
Wednesday: Your First Brand Tweets 342
Thursday: Engage Your Brand’s Followers 347
Friday: Summarize Best Practices 352
The Main Points 355
Chapter 11 Week 8: Monitor, Measure, and Valuate 357
Monday: Review Your Twitter Stats 358
Tuesday: Analyze Your Website Traffic 362
Wednesday: Analyze Actions 366
Thursday: Valuate 370
Friday: Review Case Studies 372
The Main Points 378
Part IV Month 3: Maintain Your Twitter Presence 379
Chapter 12 Week 9: Institutionalize Maintenance 381
Monday: Hold Weekly Meetings 382
Tuesday: Implement Weekly Action Plan 386
Wednesday: Oversee Production Requirements 388
Thursday: Prepare Documentation 390
Friday: Deliver Results to Management 391
The Main Points 393
Chapter 13 Week 10: Prepare for Crisis Management 395
The Reality of Twitter Crises 396
Monday: List Potential Crises 401
Tuesday: Create a Fire Drill 403
Wednesday: Write a Twitter Crisis Management Action Plan 406
Thursday: Know How to Really Say “I’m Sorry” 408
Friday: Distribute Your Crisis Action Plan 410
The Main Points 412
Chapter 14 Week 11: Develop a Direct Response Promotion for Twitter 413
Monday: Define the Need 414
Tuesday: Define Campaign Components 421
Wednesday: Move to Production 425
Thursday: Work Your Announcement Strategy 426
Friday: Launch Your Campaign 427
The Main Points 429
Appendix A Twitter-Related Glossary 431
Appendix B Twitter-Related Tools and Resources 439
Appendix C Tips from Tweeps 447
Appendix D Social Media Guidelines 453
Index 457