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Foreword, by Jane Goodall
Introduction: My First Journey to the Ants
Part I: The Economics of Ant Society
1. Ants Mean Business: How the Futuristic Economics of Ants Maximizes Their Returns
2. Economies of Scale and Rational BusinessManagement: From Joint Ventures to Multinational Enterprises
3. A 50-Million-Year Tradition of Farming: The Massive Underground Mushroom Farms of the Leaf-cutter Ants
4. Ant Ranchers: Masters of Dairy Farming Second Only to Mankind
5. The World's First Bodyguards: Standing Watch for Room and Board
6. The Charge of the Ant Brigade: The Terrifying March of the Army Ants
Part II: The Culture of Ant Society
7. Talking with the Ants: The Clever Designs of Ant Communication
8. The Ants Come Home: Sense of Direction and Biological Clocks
9. Ants at Work: Maids, Nannies, Laborers, Soldiers
10. Con Artists of the Ant World: Parasites That Have Cracked the Ants' Secret Code
11. Villains and Monsters of the Ant World: Predators and Parasites
Part III: The Politics of Ant Society
12. No Children of Their Own: Females in the Service of an Amazon Queen
13. Conflict in the Queendom: Divine Right of the Queen? Or the Will of the Masses?
14. Political Conflict and International Alliances: Yesterday's Comrade, Today's Enemy
15. The Foundation Myth of the Aztec Ant Queendom: The Queens' Battle for the Throne
16. War and Slavery: From Full-Scale Slaughter to Bloodless Warfare
Epilogue: To Know Them Is to Love Them