새책 | 알라딘 직접배송 중고 | 이 광활한 우주점 | 판매자 중고 (2) |
152,730원 | - | - | 15,500원 |
PrefacePart One: The Mechanics of Biological SystemsChapter 1: Physics and the Life SciencesChapter 2: KinematicsChapter 3: ForcesChapter 4: BiomechanicsChapter 5: Centre of Mass and Linear MomentumChapter 6: KinesiologyPart Two: Energy, Biochemistry and Transport PhenomenaChapter 7: Energy and its ConservationChapter 8: GasesChapter 9: Work and Heat For Non-Mechanical SystemsChapter 10: ThermodynamicsChapter 11: Transport of Energy and MatterChapter 12: Static FluidsChapter 13: Fluid FlowPart Three: Vibrations, Acoustics and HearingChapter 14: Elasticity and VibrationsChapter 15: The Ear and CommunicationChapter 16: Sound Absorption, TransmissionPart Four: Electrical PhenomenaChapter 17: Electric Force and FieldChapter 18: Electric Energy and PotentialChapter 19: The Flow of ChargesChapter 20: The AtomPart Five: Atomic, Electromagnetic and Optical PhenomenaChapter 21: Magnetism and Electromagnetic WavesChapter 22: Geometric OpticsChapter 23: X-RaysChapter 24: The Atomic NucleusPart Six: Applied Clinical PhysicsChapter 25: Nuclear MedicineChapter 26: Radiation TherapyChapter 27: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance