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interpretation a journal of bible and theology 1949~1951
Volume 3 Issue 1, January 1949
Words and the Word: The Anthropomorphisms of the Biblical Revelation
Wilhelm Vischer
Restricted accessResearch articleFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 3–18
Words and the Word
Through the Eternal Word: The Christological Approach to the Christian Doctrine of God
Louis Matthews Sweet
Restricted accessResearch articleFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 19–29
Through the Eternal Word
Person to Person: A Rule for Christian Living
Emile Cailliet
Restricted accessResearch articleFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 30–41
Person to Person
“The Word Became Flesh”: An Exposition of John 1:1–18
Andrew R. Osborn
Restricted accessResearch articleFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 42–49
“The Word Became Flesh”
The World Council of Churches and Biblical Interpretation: An Editorial
G. Ernest Wright
Restricted accessResearch articleFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 50–61
The World Council of Churches and Biblical Interpretation
Implements of Interpretation
IX. The Versions of the New Testament
Edgar J. Goodspeed
Restricted accessResearch articleFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 62–77
IX. The Versions of the New Testament
Studia Biblica
V. The Book of Exodus
E. E. Flack
Restricted accessResearch articleFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 78–95
V. The Book of Exodus
Old Testament Literature, 1948
J. M. Myers
Restricted accessResearch articleFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 96–105
Old Testament Literature, 1948
Book Reviews
Book Review: Polemics and Biblical Criticism
W. F. Stinespring
Restricted accessBook reviewFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 106–107
Kenneth J. Foreman
Restricted accessBook reviewFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 107–109
Roland H. Bainton
Restricted accessBook reviewFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 110–112
Paul Lehmann
Restricted accessBook reviewFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 112–116
O. E. Buchholz
Restricted accessBook reviewFirst published January 1, 1949pp. 116–118
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