
  • 판매자 배송
  • Tom Wickham-Jones (지은이)Telos Pr1994-11-04
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    책 정보

    · 제목 : Mathematica Graphics: Techniques & Applications (Hardcover, 1994) 
    · ISBN : 9780387940472
    · 쪽수 : 721쪽
    · 출판일 : 1994-11-04


    I The Built-in Functions.- 1. Introduction to Mathematica.- 1.1 Basic Input and Output.- 1.2 Mathematica Expressions.- 1.3 Different Interfaces to Mathematica.- 1.4 Learning More about Mathematica.- 2. A Tour of Plotting.- 2.1 Function Plotting.- 2.2 Data Plotting.- 2.3 Mathematica Graphics Objects.- 2.4 GraphicsArray.- 2.5 Advanced Function Plotting.- 2.6 Summary.- 3. Graphics Options.- 3.1 Using Mathematica Options.- 3.2 Two-Dimensional Graphics Options.- 3.3 Graphics Commands.- 3.4 Three-Dimensional Graphics Options.- 3.5 Contour Plots.- 3.6 Density Plots.- 3.7 Summary.- 4. Interfacing with the Rest of Mathematica.- 4.1 Importing and Manipulating Data.- 4.2 Saving and Restoring a Graphics Object.- 4.3 Numerical Functions.- 4.4 Mathematica Graphics Packages.- 4.5 Summary.- 5. Animating Graphics.- 5.1 Animation Methods.- 5.2 The Animation Package.- 5.3 Summary.- 6. The Mathematica Front End.- 6.1 Notebook Front Ends.- 6.2 Printing.- 6.3 Animation.- 6.4 Saving and Restoring Notebooks.- 6.5 Displaying and Copying Coordinates.- 6.6 The Three-Dimensional ViewPoint Selector.- 6.7 Non-Notebook Front Ends.- II Graphics Programming.- 7. Mathematica Programming.- 7.1 Defining a New Function.- 7.2 Replacement Rules.- 7.3 Pure Functions.- 7.4 High-Level Mathematica Functions.- 7.5 Summary.- 8. Two-Dimensional Graphical Primitives.- 8.1 Primitives.- 8.2 Style Directives.- 8.3 Rectangle.- 8.4 Text.- 8.5 Summary.- 9. Three-Dimensional Graphical Primitives.- 9.1 Primitives.- 9.2 Style Directives.- 9.3 Polygon Triangulation.- 9.4 Three-Dimensional Realism.- 9.5 Summary.- 10. Coordinate Systems.- 10.1 Two Dimensions.- 10.2 The Transformation in Two Dimensions.- 10.3 Three Dimensions.- 10.4 The Transformation in Three Dimensions.- 10.5 Summary.- 11. Color.- 11.1 Style Directives.- 11.2 Function Evaluation.- 11.3 Lighting.- 11.4 Color Output.- 11.5 Summary.- 12. Combining and Converting Graphics.- 12.1 Combining Objects with Show.- 12.2 How Objects Are Converted.- 12.3 Surface, Contour, and Density Plots.- 12.4 Summary.- 13. Programming Examples.- 13.1 Avoiding Asymptotes in Plot.- 13.2 Plotting Smooth Contours.- 13.3 Constraining Contour Plots.- 13.4 Choosing Tick Mark Positions.- 13.5 Setting the Style of Tick Marks.- 13.6 Adding Labels to a Plot.- 13.7 Defining a New Graphics Object.- 13.8 Forming Contour Lines in Three Dimensions.- 13.9 Using Three-Dimensional Symbols.- 13.10 MathLink and Fractal Images.- 13.11 Summary.- III Applications in Visualization and Computer Graphics.- 14. The Design of Effective Graphics.- 14.1 The Basic Graph of Data.- 14.2 Changing the Style.- 14.3 Adding Lines to Organize the Data.- 14.4 Changing the Shape.- 14.5 Advanced Labeling Features.- 14.6 Multiple Data Sets.- 14.7 Rescaling the Data.- 14.8 The Bar Chart.- 14.9 The Pie Chart.- 14.10 Primitive Styles and Summary.- 15. Labeling Contour Plots.- 15.1 Labeling Contour Lines.- 15.2 Labeling ContourPlots with a Legend.- 15.3 Labeling in Version 2.2 Mathematica.- 15.4 Automatic Placement of Labels.- 15.5 Summary.- 16. Two-Dimensional Geometry.- 16.1 Basic Geometric Objects.- 16.2 Geometric Transformations.- 16.3 Geometric Results.- 16.4 Computational Geometry.- 16.5 Summary.- 17. Three-Dimensional Geometry.- 17.1 Basic Geometric Objects.- 17.2 Geometric Transformations.- 17.3 Geometric Results.- 17.4 Projection and Embedding.- 17.5 Clipping.- 17.6 Polygon Triangulation.- 17.7 Extruding Solids.- 17.8 Summary.- 18. Visualizing Numeric Data.- 18.1 One-Dimensional Data.- 18.2 Two-Dimensional Data.- 18.3 Three-Dimensional Data.- 18.4 Triangulation and Resampling.- 18.5 Summary of Three-Dimensional Visualization.- 18.6 Four-Dimensional Data.- 18.7 Multidimensional Data.- 18.8 Summary.- 19. Visualizing Vectors.- 19.1 Two-Dimensional Vectors.- 19.2 Flow around an Object.- 19.3 Three-Dimensional Vectors.- 19.4 Field Lines.- 19.5 Summary.- IV A Reference to Graphics in Mathematica.- 20. Graphics Reference.- 20.1 Basic Structure.- 20.2 Primitives.- 20.3 Style Directives.- 20.4 Graphics Options.- 20.5 Generating Graphics Objects.- 21. Graphics3D Reference.- 21.1 Basic Structure.- 21.2 Primitives.- 21.3 Style Directives.- 21.4 Graphics3D Options.- 21.5 Generating Graphics3D Objects.- 21.6 Converting Graphics3D Objects.- 22. SurfaceGraphics Reference.- 22.1 Basic Structure.- 22.2 SurfaceGraphics Options.- 22.3 Generating SurfaceGraphics Objects.- 22.4 Converting SurfaceGraphics Objects.- 23. ContourGraphics Reference.- 23.1 Basic Structure.- 23.2 ContourGraphics Options.- 23.3 Generating ContourGraphics Objects.- 23.4 Converting ContourGraphics Objects.- 24. DensityGraphics Reference.- 24.1 Basic Structure.- 24.2 DensityGraphics Options.- 24.3 Generating DensityGraphics Objects.- 24.4 Converting DensityGraphics Objects.- 25. GraphicsArray Reference.- 25.1 Basic Structure.- 25.2 GraphicsArray Options.- 26. Rendering and Exporting Graphics.- 26.1 Show.- 26.2 Display.- 26.3 Notebook Graphics Formats.- 26.4 Exporting Graphics: The Notebook Front End.- 26.5 Exporting Graphics: The Kernel.- Appendix A.1 ExtendGraphics Installation.- Appendix A.2 ExtendGraphics Reference.- Appendix A.3 Loading Mathematica Packages.

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