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    책 정보

    · 제목 : Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding (Hardcover) 
    · ISBN : 9780824727772
    · 쪽수 : 640쪽
    · 출판일 : 2005-11-18


    Digital Picture Compression and Coding Structure
    . Introduction to Digital Picture Coding
    . Characteristics of Picture Data
    . Compression and Coding Techniques
    . Picture Quantization
    . Rate-Distortion Theory
    . Human Visual Systems
    . Digital Picture Coding Standards and Systems
    . Summary
    Fundamentals of Human Vision and Vision Modeling
    . Introduction
    . A Brief Overview of the Visual System
    . Color Vision
    . Luminance and the Perception of Light Intensity
    . Spatial Vision and Contrast Sensitivity
    . Temporal Vision and Motion
    . Visual Modeling
    . Conclusions
    Coding Artifacts and Visual Distortions
    . Introduction
    . Blocking Effect
    . Basis Image Effect
    . Blurring
    . Color Bleeding
    . Staircase Effect
    . Ringing
    . Mosaic Patterns
    . False Contouring
    . False Edges
    . MC Mismatch
    . Mosquito Effect
    . Stationary Area Fluctuations
    . Chrominance Mismatch
    . Video Scaling and Field Rate Conversion
    . Deinterlacing
    . Summary

    Video Quality Testing
    . Introduction
    . Subjective Assessment Methodologies
    . Selection of Test Materials
    . Selection of Participants-Subjects
    . Experimental Design
    . International Test Methods
    . Objective Assessment Methods
    . Summary
    Perceptual Video Quality Metrics-A Review
    . Introduction
    . Quality Factors
    . Metric Classification
    . Pixel-Based Metrics
    . The Psychophysical Approach
    . The Engineering Approach
    . Metric Comparisons
    . Conclusions and Perspectives
    Philosophy of Picture Quality Scale
    . Objective Picture Quality Scale for Image Coding
    . Application of PQS to a Variety of Electronic Images
    . Various Categories of Image Systems
    . Study at ITU
    . Conclusion
    Structural Similarity Based Image Quality Assessment
    . Structural Similarity Based Image Quality
    . The Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) Index
    . Image Quality Assessment Based on the SSIM Index
    . Discussions
    Vision Model Based Digital Video Impairment Metrics
    . Introduction
    . Vision Modeling for Impairment Measurement
    . Perceptual Blocking Distortion Metric
    . Perceptual Ringing Distortion Measure
    . Conclusion
    Computational Models for Just-Noticeable Difference
    . Introduction
    . JND with DCT Subbands
    . JND with Pixels
    . JND Model Evaluation
    . Conclusions
    No-Reference Quality Metric for Degraded and Enhanced Video
    . Introduction
    . State-of-the-Art for No-Reference Metrics
    . Quality Metric Components and Design
    . No-Reference Overall Quality Metric
    . Performance of the Quality Metric
    . Conclusions and Future Research
    Video Quality Experts Group
    . Formation
    . Goals
    . Phase I
    . Phase II
    . Continuing Work and Directions
    . Summary

    HVS Based Perceptual Video Encoders
    . Introduction
    . Noise Visibility and Visual Masking
    . Architectures for Perceptual Based Coding
    . Standards-Specific Features
    . Salience/Maskability Pre-Processing
    . Application to Multi-Channel Encoding
    Perceptual Image Coding
    . Introduction
    . A Perceptual Distortion Metric Based Image Coder
    . Model Calibration
    . Performance Evaluation
    . Perceptual Lossless Coder
    . Summary
    Foveated Image and Video Coding
    . Foveated Human Vision and Foveated Image Processing
    . Foveation Methods
    . Scalable Foveated Image and Video Coding
    . Discussions
    Artifact Reduction by Post-Processing in Image Compression
    . Introduction
    . Image Compression and Coding Artifacts
    . Reduction of Blocking Artifacts
    . Reduction of Ringing Artifacts
    . Summary
    Reduction of Color Bleeding in DCT Block-Coded Video
    . Introduction
    . Detailed Analysis of the Color Bleeding Phenomenon
    . Description of the Post-Processor
    . Experimental Results-Concluding Remarks
    Error Resilience for Video Coding Service
    . Introduction to Error Resilient Coding Techniques
    . Error Resilient Coding Methods Compatible with MPEG-2
    . Methods for Concealment of Cell Loss
    . Experimental Procedure
    . Experimental Results
    . Conclusions
    Critical Issues and Challenges
    . Picture Coding Structures
    . Vision Modeling Issues
    . Spatio-Temporal Masking in Video Coding
    . Picture Quality Assessment
    . Challenges in Perceptual Coder Design
    . Codec System Design Optimization
    . Summary
    Appendix: VQM Performance Metrics
    . Metrics Relating to Model Prediction Accuracy
    . Metrics Relating to Prediction Monotonicity of a Model
    . Metrics Relating to Prediction Consistency
    . MATLAB® Source Code
    . Supplementary Analyses

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