새책 | 알라딘 직접배송 중고 | 이 광활한 우주점 (3) | 판매자 중고 (9) |
15,300원(품절) | - | 4,300원 | 3,000원 |
Skills Chart
UNIT1 Thends in Living
Chapter1 A Cultural Difference: Being on Time
Chapter2 Changinf Lifestyles and New Eating Habits
Chapter3 Technology Competes for Family Time
UNIT2 Issues in society
Chapter4 Language: Is It Always Spoken?
Chapter5 Loneliness: How Can We Overcome It?
Chapter6 The Importance of Grandmothers
UNIT3 Justice and Crime
Chapter7 Innocent until Proven Guilty:The Criminal Court System
Chapter8 The Reliability of Eyewitnesses
Chapter9 Solving Crims with Modern Technology
UNIT4 Scince and History
Chapter10 Ancient Artifacts and Ancient Air
Chapter11 medical Technology: Saving Lives with Robotice
Chapter12 Mars: Our Neighbor in Space
Index of Key Words and Phrases
Skills Index