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Introduction : Why Can't We Talk about Religion and Politics?
Part 1 Changing the Wind
1. Take Back the Faith
2. A Lack of Wision
3. Is There a Politics of God?
Part 2 Moving Beyond the Politics of Complaint
4. Protest Is Good; Alternatives are Better
5. How Should Your Faith Influence Your Politics?
6. Prophetic Politics
Part 3 Spiritual Values and International Relations When Did Jesus Become Pro-War?
7. Be Not Afraid
8. Not a Just War
9. Dangerous Religion
10. Blessed Are the Reacemakers
11. Against Imposiible Odds
12. Micah's Vision for National and Global Security
Part 4 Spiritual Values and Economic Justice When Did Jesus Become Pro-Rich?
13. The Poor You Will Always Have with You?
14. Poor People Are Trapped - in the Debate about Poverty
15. Isaiah's Platform
16. Amos and Enron
17. The Tipping Point
Part 5 Spiritual Values and Social Issues When Did Jesus Become a Selective Moralist?
18. A Consistent Ethic of Life
19. Truth Telling About Race
20. The Ties That Bond
Part 6 Spiritual Values and Social Change
21. The Critical Choice
Epilogue : We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For