
2014년 교육/자료 분야 44위
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    28,000원 28,000원 (마일리지840원)
  • 판매가
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      * 2~4개월 무이자 : 우리,BC
      * 2~5개월 무이자 : 롯데,신한
      * 2~6개월 무이자 : 농협
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    중고상품 구매 유의 사항
    중고상품 구매 유의 사항

    책 정보

    · 제목 : Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking (Paperback) 
    · ISBN : 9780415989701
    · 쪽수 : 205쪽
    · 출판일 : 2008-08-18


    @contents: Selected Contents:

    Chapter 1 Parts and goals of a listening and speaking course

    The four strands

    A commonsense justification of the four strands

    Learning through listening and reading

    Learning through speaking and writing

    Language-focused learning

    Becoming fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing

    Balancing the four strands

    Integrating the four strands

    Principles and the four strands

    Learning goals

    Chapter 2 Beginning to listen and speak in another language

    What should they learn?

    How should the teaching and learning be done?

    Practising sentence patterns

    Guiding listening and speaking

    Techniques for early meaning-focused speaking

    Planning a listening and speaking programme for beginners

    Chapter 3 Listening

    Listening and language learning

    Advanced listening: Notetaking

    How to take notes

    Learning how to take notes

    Monitoring notetaking

    Monitoring meaning focused listening

    Chapter 4 Learning through interaction and negotiation

    Encouraging negotiation

    Using written input to encourage negotiation

    Using information distribution to encourage negotiation

    Factors affecting the amount and type of negotiation

    Using learner training to encourage negotiation

    Monitoring negotiation

    Learning through non-negotiated interaction

    Understanding language teaching tasks: Ranking

    What is a ranking task?

    Method steps

    What can you use ranking tasks for?

    How can you make and prepare for ranking tasks?

    What material can you base ranking tasks on?

    Monitoring a ranking task

    Monitoring learners beginning to speak

    Chapter 5 Learning through pushed output

    Pushed output

    Pushing output

    Formal speaking

    The nature of formal speaking

    Teaching formal speaking

    A process approach to formal speaking

    Guidelines for presenting a formal talk

    Chapter 6 Pronunciation

    The place of form focused pronunciation instruction

    Factors affecting the learning of another sound system

    Procedures and techniques

    Fitting pronunciation into a course

    Monitoring pronunciation

    Chapter 7 Deliberate teaching

    The value and limits of language-focused learning

    Deliberate vocabulary learning

    The requirements of language-focused vocabulary instruction

    Techniques and procedures

    Deliberate grammar learning

    The causes of error

    The effect of correction

    Correction procedures

    Fitting language-focused learning into a course

    Chapter 8 Dictation and related activities


    Pre-dictation exercises

    Variations of dictation

    Related techniques

    Monitoring dictation


    Related techniques

    Chapter 9 Developing fluency

    The nature of fluency

    Fluency and accuracy

    Developing fluency

    Designing fluency activities

    Fitting fluency into a course

    Developing fluency in listening and speaking

    Techniques for developing fluency in listening

    Techniques for developing fluency in speaking

    Monitoring fluency tasks

    Chapter 10 Testing

    Monitoring progress

    Testing listening and speaking

    Listening tests

    Speaking tests

    Appendix 1 The survival syllabus

    Appendix 2 The most useful words for beginning graded reading

    Appendix 3 Topic types

    Appendix 4 Topics for listening and speaking

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