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    책 정보

    · 제목 : Designing and Building Fuel Cells (Hardcover) 
    · ISBN : 9780071489775
    · 쪽수 : 434쪽
    · 출판일 : 2007-05-01


    Chapter 1.An Introduction to Fuel Cells

    Chapter 2.Fuel Cells and the Hydrogen Economy

    Chapter 3.Fuel Cells Types

    Chapter 4.Basic Fuel Cell Chemistry and Thermodynamics

    Chapter 5.Fuel Cell Applications

    Chapter 6.Basic Fuel Cell Thermodynamics

    Chapter 7.Fuel Cell Charge Transport

    Chapter 8.Fuel Cell Mass Transport

    Chapter 9.Heat Transfer

    Chapter 10.Fuel Cell Modeling

    Chapter 11.Fuel Cell Materials

    Chapter 12.Fuel Cell Stack Components and Materials

    Chapter 13.Fuel Cell Stack Design

    Chapter 14.Fuel Cell System Design

    Chapter 15.Fuel Types, Delivery, and Processing

    Chapter 16.Fuel Cell Operating Conditions

    Chapter 17: Fuel Cell Characterization

    Appendix A: Useful Constants and Conversions

    Appendix B: Thermodynamic Properties of Selected Substances

    Appendix C: Molecular Weight, Gas Constant and Specific Heat for Selected Substances

    Appendix D: Gas Specific Heats at Various Temperatures

    Appendix E: Specific Heat for Saturated Liquid Water at Various Temperatures

    Appendix F: Thermodynamic Data for Selected Fuel Cell Reactants at Various Temperatures

    Appendix G: Binary Diffusion Coefficients for Selected Fuel Cell Substances

    Appendix H: Product Design Specifications

    Appendix I: Fuel Cell Design Requirements and Parameters


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