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    중고상품 구매 유의 사항

    책 정보

    · 제목 : Photoelectrochemical Solar Fuel Production: From Basic Principles to Advanced Devices (Hardcover, 2016) 
    · ISBN : 9783319296395
    · 쪽수 : 559쪽
    · 출판일 : 2016-05-10


    Part I: Fundamentals.- Semiconductor Electrochemistry.- The Oxygen Evolution Reaction: Mechanistic Concepts and Catalyst Design.- Hydrogen and CO 2 Reduction Reactions: Mechanisms and Catalysts.- Part II: Methods.- Photoelectrochemical Cell Design, Efficiency Definitions, Standards and Protocols.- Interface Engineering of Semiconductor Electrodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting: Application of Surface Characterization with Photoelectron Spectroscopy.- Analysis of Photoelectrochemical Systems by Impedance Spectroscopy.- Advanced Photoelectrochemical Characterization: Principles and Applications of Dual-Working-Electrode Photoelectrochemistry.- Part III: Materials and Devices.- Multinary Metal Oxide Photoelectrodes.- Non-Oxide materials (Nitrides, Chalcogenides and Arsenides).- Combinatorial Synthesis and Screening of Oxide Materials for Photoelectrochemical Energy Conversion.- Nanostructured Materials.- Advanced Device Architectures and Tandem Devices.- Dye Sensitized Photoelectrosynthesis Cells for Making Solar Fuels: From Basic Science to Prototype Devices.

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