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    책 정보

    · 제목 : The Vocabulary Teacher's Book of Lists (Paperback) 
    · ISBN : 9780787971014
    · 쪽수 : 400쪽
    · 출판일 : 2004-04-28


    Math and Science Lists.



    About the Author.


    List 1 Capitonyms.

    List 2 Very Hard Words.

    List 3 Fun with Words.

    List 4 Last Names.

    List 5 SAT Vocabulary Words.

    List 6 SAT Math Words.

    List 7 SAT 9.

    List 8 Minimum U.S. History Terms.

    List 9 Reduplication.

    List 10 Test Scores.

    List 11 The Shortest Words.

    List 12 Set.

    List 13 Word Pairs.

    List 14 Affective Connotation.

    List 15 Oxymorons.

    List 16 Feminism in Suffixes.

    List 17 Synonyms and Antonyms.

    List 18 Doublespeak.

    List 19 Popular Science Vocabulary.

    List 20 Atom Bomb Chart.

    List 21 Palindromes.

    2. ROOTS.

    List 22 Fears (-phobias).

    List 23 Killing Words (-cide).

    List 24 Numbers (uni-, bi-, tri-).

    List 25 More Numbers.

    List 26 Even More Numbers.

    List 27 Counting in Latin and Greek.

    List 28 Amounts Non-Numerical.

    List 29 Ruling (-crat, -cracy, -archy).

    List 30 Antidote (anti-, dis-, don-, con-).

    List 31 Twa- (twa-).

    List 32 Beget (gen-).

    List 33 Kind (gen-).

    List 34 Good and Bad (bene-, mal-).

    List 35 Say (dic-).

    List 36 Death (necro-).

    List 37 Climbing (sen-, scend-).

    List 38 Knowledge Areas (-ology).

    List 39 More Knowledge Areas (-ology).

    List 40 Too Much Knowledge (-ology).

    List 41 More or Less (hyper-, hypo-, equi-).

    List 42 Order (ord-).

    List 43 Carry (port-).

    List 44 Suffering (-path).

    List 45 Writing (scribe-).

    List 46 More Writing (scribe-).

    List 47 Send (mit-).

    List 48 Send (miss-).

    List 49 To Hold (ten-).

    List 50 To Hold (-tain).

    List 51 Word Names (-nyms).

    List 52 Easy Root Lessons.


    List 53 Greek and Roman Mythology.

    List 54 Roman Gods Are Greek Gods.

    List 55 Onomatopoeia.

    List 56 Eponyms (People’s Names).

    List 57 Words Coined from Place Names (Toponyms).

    List 58 Days and Months.

    List 59 Shakespearean Phrases.

    List 60 Demimonde.

    List 61 Old English Counting System.

    List 62 Pen.

    List 63 Double.

    List 64 Old Greek Words.

    List 65 Modern Science Words.

    List 66 Runes.

    List 67 Voice (voc-).

    List 68 Love (ama-).

    List 69 Temper (temp-).

    List 70 Cities (poli-).

    List 71 City Areas.

    List 72 City (cit-, civ-).

    List 73 Gym and Women.

    List 74 The Difference Between a Labyrinth and a Maze.

    4. SUBJECTS.

    List 75 Driver’s License Terms.

    List 76 Collectors.

    List 77 Scientific Roots.

    List 78 Scientific Measurement Units.

    List 79 American Indian Tribes.

    List 80 Words of the Old West.

    List 81 Whodunit.

    List 82 Sci-Fi.

    List 83 The Stage.

    List 84 Myths.

    List 85 Emotions.

    List 86 Sports.

    List 87 Illnesses.

    List 88 Moving Around.

    List 89 Hobbies.

    List 90 Musical Instruments.

    List 91 More Musical Instruments.

    List 92 Cooking Terms.

    List 93 Animals and Offspring.

    List 94 Animals in Groups.

    List 95 American Military Ranks.

    List 96 Sports Words.

    List 97 Lawyer Words.

    List 98 Doctors.

    List 99 Body Parts—Words.

    List 100 Body Parts—Expressions.

    5. WRITING.

    List 101 Words for Letters.

    List 102 Confusing Words.

    List 103 Similes.

    List 104 Metaphors.

    List 105 Idioms.

    List 106 Old Derogatory Terms.

    List 107 Writing Terms.

    List 108 Opposite Writing Terms.

    List 109 Punctuation.

    List 110 Proofreaders’ Symbols.

    List 111 Printers’ Symbols.

    List 112 Secret Writing.


    List 113 African Words.

    List 114 Arabic Words.

    List 115 Australian Aboriginal Words.

    List 116 British and American English Terms.

    List 117 Celtic Words.

    List 118 Chinese Words.

    List 119 Dutch Words.

    List 120 French Words.

    List 121 French Phrases.

    List 122 German Words.

    List 123 Greek Words.

    List 124 Indian Words (Native American).

    List 125 Indian Words (East Indian).

    List 126 Israeli Hebrew and American English Words.

    List 127 Italian Words.

    List 128 Japanese Words.

    List 129 Latin Words.

    List 130 Persian Words.

    List 131 Russian Words.

    List 132 Spanish Words.

    List 133 Other Languages.

    List 134 Jamaican Expressions.

    List 135 Food with Place Names.

    List 136 Foreign and Specialty Foods.

    List 137 Major Languages.

    List 138 Foreign Phrases.

    List 139 Latin Phrases.


    List 140 Acronyms.

    List 141 Initializations.

    List 142 Abbreviations.

    List 143 The Most Common Abbreviations.

    List 144 Clipped Words.

    List 145 Lengthening Words.

    List 146 Geminates—Double Letters.

    List 147 Silent-Letter Words.

    List 148 National Spelling Bee Words.

    List 149 Advertising Respells—Disglossia.

    List 150 Phonics—Vowels.

    List 151 Phonics—Consonants.

    List 152 Phonics—Phonograms.

    List 153 Spelled Wrong/Spelled Right.

    List 154 Phonics Terminology.

    List 155 Anagrams.

    List 156 Homographs.

    List 157 Second Meaning Versus Homographs.

    List 158 Heteronyms.

    List 159 Heteronyms Classified.

    List 160 One Word or Two? The Compound Problem.

    List 161 Instant Words.

    List 162 Spelling Demons.

    List 163 Spelling Rules for Adding Suffixes.

    List 164 Plurals.

    List 165 Spelling Methods.

    List 166 Teaching Tips on Spelling.


    List 167 The Metric System.

    List 168 U.S. Weights and Measures.

    List 169 Super Numbers.

    List 170 Using Super Numbers.

    List 171 Old Measurement.

    List 172 Some Scientific Measures.

    List 173 Geometric Figures.

    List 174 Nations of the World with Capitals.

    List 175 The United States.

    List 176 U.S. Cities by Population.

    List 177 Provinces of Canada.

    List 178 States of Mexico.

    List 179 Largest Countries by Population.

    List 180 Geographical Terms.

    List 181 Learning Place Names.

    Blank Maps:

    The World.

    The United States.



    9. METHODS.

    Method 1 Read.

    Method 2 Pay Attention to New Words.

    Method 3 Direct Instruction.

    Method 4 Time.

    Method 5 Integrate Vocabulary Instruction with Every Subject.

    Method 6 The Teachable Moment.

    Method 7 Systematic Self-Instruction.

    Method 8 Teacher Enthusiasm and Fun.

    Method 9 Use.

    Method 10 Glossing.

    Method 11 Testing.

    Method 12 Reward.

    Method 13 Writing.

    Method 14 Group Work.

    Method 15 Flashcards.

    Method 16 Depth of Knowledge.

    Method 17 Polysemy—Multiple Meanings.

    Method 18 Ways to Define a Word.

    Method 19 Vocabulary on the Internet.

    Method 20 Graphic Organizers.

    Method 21 Vocabulary Workbooks.

    Method 22 Visualization.

    Method 23 Simple, Old-Fashioned Vocabulary Lesson.

    Method 24 Word-a-Day.

    10. AFFIXES and ROOTS.


    List 182 The Most Common Prefix (un-).

    List 183 The Second Most Common Prefix (re-).

    List 184 The Most Common Prefixes.

    List 185 Prefix a-.

    List 186 Spelling of Prefixes sub- and com-.

    List 187 Suffix Review.

    List 188 The Most Common Suffixes.

    List 189 Suffixes for It’s a Person.

    List 190 Master List of Prefixes.

    List 191 Master List of Roots.

    List 192 Master List of Suffixes (Meaning).

    List 193 Suffix Grammar List.

    List 194 Suffixes for Technical Words.



    List 195 Homonym Confusion.

    List 196 Easy Homophones List.

    List 197 Homophone Teaching Suggestions.

    List 198 Homophone Sample Worksheet.

    List 199 Master Homophone List.

    References—The Ultimate List.


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