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    책 정보

    · 제목 : A History of Immunology (Hardcover, 2) 
    · ISBN : 9780123705860
    · 쪽수 : 544쪽
    · 출판일 : 2009-06-17


    List of Photos
    Foreword: On History and Historians
    Preface to the Second Edition
    Preface to the First Edition
    1. Theories of Acquired Immunity
    2. Cellular vs. Humoral Immunity
    3. Theories of Antibody Formation
    4. The Generation of Diversity: The Germline/Somatic Mutation Debate
    5. The Clonal Selection Theory Challenged: The Immunological Self
    6. The Concept of Immunologic Specificity
    7. Specificity Continued
    8. Horror Autotoxicus: The Concept of Autoimmunity
    9. Allergy and Immunopathology: The "Price" of Immunity
    10. Anti-Antibodies and Anti-Idiotypic Immunoregulation: 1899-1904
    11. Transplantation and Immunogenetics
    12. Magic Bullets and Poisoned Arrows: The Uses of Antibodies
    13. The Royal Experiment: 1721-22
    14. The Languages of Immunologic Dispute
    15. The Search for Cell-Bound Antibodies. On the Influence of Dogma
    16. Natural' Antibodies and 'Virgin' Lymphocytes: The Importance of Context
    17. The Dynamics of Conceptual Change in Immunology
    18. Immunology in Transition 1951-1972: The Role of International Meetings and Discipline Leaders
    19. The Origin of Subdisciplines: (Ocular Immunology; Pediatric Immunology; Immunophysiology)
    20. Immune Hemolysis: On the Heuristic Value of an Experimental System
    21. Darwinism and Immunology: from Metchnikoff to Burnet
    22. The End of Immunology?
    Appendix A1. The Calendar of Immunologic Progress
    Appendix A2. Seminal Discoveries
    Appendix A3. Important Books in Immunology, 1892 ? 1968
    Appendix B. Nobel Prize Highlights in Immunology
    Appendix C. Biographical Dictionary

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