
  • 판매자 배송
  • Joyce L. Epstein (지은이)Westview Pr 2010-11-02
  • 새상품
    129,650원 108,650원 (마일리지5,440원)
  • 판매가
    41,800원 (정가대비 68% 할인)
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    • 판매자
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    책 정보

    · 제목 : School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Preparing Educators and Improving Schools (Paperback, 2) 
    · ISBN : 9780813344478
    · 쪽수 : 656쪽
    · 출판일 : 2010-11-02


    Introduction Understanding School and Family Partnerships * Preview Overview and Theory * School and Family Partnerships * Toward a Theory of Family-School Connections: Teacher Practices and Parent Involvement ResearchTeachers Practices * Parent Involvement: A Survey of Teacher Practices * Teacher Practices of Parent Involvement: Problems and Possibilities * School Programs and Teacher Practices of Parent Involvement in Inner-City Elementary and Middle Schools * Improving Schools and Family Partnerships in Urban Elementary and Middle Schools Students Reactions * Student Reactions to Teacher Practices of Parent Involvement * Effects on Student Achievement of Teacher Practices of Parent Involvement * Homework Practices, Achievements, and Behaviors of Elementary School Students Parents Reactions * Parents Reactions to Teacher Practices of Parent Involvement * Single Parents and the Schools: Effects of Marital Status on Parent and Teacher Interactions * Parents Attitudes and Practices of Involvement in Inner-City Elementary and Middle Schools Putting School and Family Partnerships into Practice * Preview Policy Implications * Parent Involvement: State Education Agencies Should Lead the Way * Paths to Partnership: What Can We Learn from Federal, State, District, and School Initiatives? * A Question of Merit: Principals and Parents Evaluations of Teachers Practical Applications * Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork (TIPS) Math and Science Interactive Homework in the Elementary Grades, and Language Arts and Science/Health Interactive Homework in the Middle Grades * TIPS Social Studies and Art Process * Parent-Teacher Conferences Surveys and Assessments * Planning Worksheets Framework for Building Comprehensive Programs of Partnership * Excerpts from What Principals Should Know About Parent Involvement * On Improving School and Family Connections: A Conversation with Joyce Epstein * School and Family Partnerships in Middle Grades and High Schools * Home and School Connections in Schools of the Future: Implications of Research on Parent Involvement * School, Family, Community Connections for Accelerating Student Progress in Elementary and Middle Grades Parent Involvement: Implications for Limited-English-Proficient Parents * School and Family Connections: Theory, Research, and Implications for Integrating Sociologies of Education and Family. School and Family Partnerships: Leadership Roles for School Psychologists

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