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  • [중고] That Book about Harvard: Surviving the World‘s Most Famous University, One Embarrassment at a Time (Paperback) - Surviving the World's Most in Famous University, One Embarrassment at a Time
  • 에릭 케스터 (지은이)Sourcebooks Inc2012-07-01
[중고] That Book about Harvard: Surviving the World‘s Most Famous University, One Embarrassment at a Time (Paperback)
2014년 유머 분야 71위
  • 새상품
    31,800원 28,600원 (마일리지1,430원)
  • 판매가
    18,000원 (정가대비 43% 할인)
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      30,000원 미만 구매시 택배 3,300원, 도서/산간 6,200원
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      통상 72시간 이내

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    Eric Kester graduated from Harvard in 2008, where he wrote a popular column for the undergraduate newspaper, the Crimson. Now a featured writer for CollegeHumor.com, Eric has also contributed to the Boston Globe, someEcards.com, and Dorkly.com.

    38 Caliber Shock
    Mac Attack
    Into the Depths of the Pusey
    Diversity University
    Party in the
    Arrested Development
    Somebody at Harvard Loves
    The Ace of Clubs
    Beauty and the Beast
    Yellow is the New Crimson
    Mac and P C
    Rash Decisions
    The Final Harvard


    Eric Kester has written the kind of book I wish I had the courage and insight to write. His illuminations on everything from Larry Summers to the Harvard football team to cheating, tourists, and competitiveness are dead-on. His writing has also provided me with some of the best laugh-out-loud moments I've had in recent years. God knows Harvard could use some humor! --PETER OLSON, FORMER CEO OF RANDOM HOUSE, HARVARD GRADUATE, AND CURRENT HARVARD PROFESSOR

    One of the most thrilling and terrifying days of your life is the first day of college, when you step onto campus filled with the excitement of all the possibilities ahead--and panic about if you'll make it and how you'll fit in.

    Now imagine that same feeling, but you're in the middle of the lawn at the world's most prestigious university.

    In your underwear.

    Thus begins one of the craziest years ever at Harvard, in which Eric Kester finds himself in a cheating scheme, trying to join a prestigious Finals Club, and falling for a stunning type-A brunette...who happened to be standing there in shock that first day when he made his red-faced stroll across the Harvard Yard.

    That Book about Harvard is the hilarious and heartwarming story of trying to find your place in a new world, the unending quest to fit in, and how the moments that change your life often happen in the most unexpected ways.

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