
[중고] The Origins and Development of the English Language (Hardcover, 5th)
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    Prefacep. v
    Language and the English Language: an Introductionp. 1
    A Definition of Languagep. 2
    Language as Systemp. 2
    Language Signsp. 5
    Language as Speechp. 6
    Language as Conventionp. 9
    Language as Humanp. 14
    Language as Communicationp. 16
    Other Characteristics of Languagep. 17
    Why Study the History of English?p. 18
    The Sounds of Current Englishp. 22
    The Organs of Speechp. 22
    Consonants of Current Englishp. 23
    Vowels of Current Englishp. 26
    Stressp. 31
    Kinds of Sound Changep. 31
    Causes of Sound Changep. 34
    The Phonemep. 35
    Differing Transcriptionsp. 37
    Letters and Sounds: a Brief History of Writingp. 39
    Ideographic and Syllabic Writingp. 39
    From Semitic Writing to the Greek Alphabetp. 40
    The Romans Adopt the Greek Alphabetp. 41
    The History of English Writingp. 44
    The Spelling of English Consonant Soundsp. 46
    The Spelling of English Vowel Soundsp. 49
    Spelling Pronunciations and Pronunciation Spellingsp. 51
    Writing and Historyp. 53
    The Backgrounds of Englishp. 55
    Indo-European Originsp. 55
    Language Typology and Language Familiesp. 57
    Non-Indo-European Languagesp. 59
    Main Divisions of the Indo-European Groupp. 61
    Cognate Words in the Indo-European Languagesp. 70
    Inflection in the Indo-European Languagesp. 71
    Word Order in the Indo-European Languagesp. 75
    Major Changes from Indo-European to Germanicp. 76
    First Sound Shiftp. 78
    West Germanic Languagesp. 82
    The old English Period (449-1100)p. 86
    Some Key Events in the Old English Periodp. 86
    History of the Anglo-Saxonsp. 87
    Pronunciation and Spellingp. 95
    Vocabularyp. 99
    Grammar, Concord, and Inflectionp. 101
    Nounsp. 102
    Modifiersp. 106
    Pronounsp. 108
    Verbsp. 110
    Syntaxp. 116
    Old English Illustratedp. 118
    The Middle English Period (1100-1500)p. 123
    Some Key Events in the Middle English Periodp. 123
    The Background of the Norman Conquestp. 124
    The Reascendancy of Englishp. 125
    Foreign Influences on Vocabularyp. 126
    Middle English Spellingp. 127
    The Rise of a London Standardp. 131
    Changes in Pronunciationp. 134
    Changes in Grammarp. 141
    Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectivesp. 142
    Verbsp. 147
    Word Orderp. 149
    Middle English Illustratedp. 150
    The Early Modern English Period (1500-1800): Society, Spellings, and Soundsp. 153
    Some Key Events in the Early Modern Periodp. 153
    The Transition from Middle to Modern Englishp. 155
    The Orthography of Early Modern Englishp. 156
    The Great Vowel Shiftp. 160
    Other Vowelsp. 163
    Early Modern English Consonantsp. 166
    Evidence for Early Modern Pronunciationp. 168
    Early Modern English Illustratedp. 169
    The Early Modern English Period (1500-1800): Forms, Syntax, and Usagep. 173
    The Study of Languagep. 174
    Nounsp. 178
    Adjectives and Adverbsp. 181
    Pronounsp. 182
    Verbsp. 189
    Prepositionsp. 199
    Early Modern English Further Illustratedp. 199
    Late Modern English (1800-21st Century)p. 201
    Some Key Events in the Late Modern Periodp. 201
    The National Varieties of Englishp. 202
    National Differences in Word Choicep. 205
    Syntactical and Morphological Differencesp. 209
    British and American Purismp. 209
    National Differences in Pronunciationp. 212
    British and American Spellingp. 215
    Variation within National Varietiesp. 216
    World Englishp. 222
    The Essential Oneness of All Englishp. 224
    Words and Meaningsp. 227
    Semantics and Change of Meaningp. 228
    Generalization and Specializationp. 230
    Transfer of Meaningp. 231
    Pejoration and Ameliorationp. 234
    Taboo and Euphemismp. 235
    The Fate of Intensifying Wordsp. 238
    Some Circumstances of Semantic Changep. 239
    Semantic Change Is Inevitablep. 243
    New Words From Oldp. 245
    Creating Wordsp. 245
    Combining Words: Compoundingp. 248
    Combining Word Parts: Affixingp. 252
    Shortening Wordsp. 257
    Blending Wordsp. 262
    Shifting Words to New Usesp. 265
    Sources of New Wordsp. 268
    Foreign Elements in the English Word Stockp. 271
    Latin and Greek Loanwordsp. 272
    Celtic Loanwordsp. 276
    Scandinavian Loanwordsp. 277
    French Loanwordsp. 279
    Spanish and Portuguese Loanwordsp. 283
    Italian Loanwordsp. 284
    Germanic Loanwordsp. 285
    Loanwords from the Eastp. 288
    Other Sourcesp. 291
    The Sources of Recent Loanwordsp. 292
    English Remains Englishp. 293
    Selected Bibliographyp. 295
    Glossaryp. 311
    Index of Modern English Words and Affixesp. 335
    Index of Persons, Places, and Topicsp. 357
    Table of Contents provided by Rittenhouse. All Rights Reserved.

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