
  • 판매자 배송
  • [중고] Canadian Concepts 2 (2nd Edition)
  • Prentice Hall미정
[중고] Canadian Concepts 2 (2nd Edition)
  • 새상품
    45,000원 17,000원
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    17,000원 (정가대비 62% 할인)
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      * 2~4개월 무이자 : 우리,BC
      * 2~5개월 무이자 : 롯데,신한
      * 2~6개월 무이자 : 농협
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    중고상품 구매 유의 사항

    Canadian Concepts 2

    2nd Edition


    canadian concepts 2

    Price : 39.95$ 

    Code : 591694 

    ISBN13 : 9780135916940 

    Copyright : 1996

    Authors: Sandra Thibaudeau, Lynda Berish

    Canadian Concepts, Second Edition has been completely revised to meet your students' needs even more effectively! For this second edition, many ideas and requests from teachers across Canada have been incorporated to boost communication skills at every level. Functional language is used in imaginative four-skill activities that build both language skills and confidence. Carefully graded exercises involve repetition and provide ample opportunities for active student participation. The popular features that made the first edition of Canadian Concepts so successful have been retained: thematic units, Canadian content that gives practical information about life in Canada, and community content tasks to link students to their community.

    Canadian Concepts 1 to 6 have been restructured in a variety of ways


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