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The Challenge: Hamdan V. Rumsfeld and the Fight Over Presidential Power [With Headphones] (Pre-Recorded Audio Player)
Jonathan Mahler | Playaway
99,200원(10% 할인 / 2,980원)
The Federalist Papers (Paperback)
Lawrence Goldman | Oxford Univ Pr
16,330원(35% 할인 / 490원)
International Legal Theory and the Cognitive Turn (Hardcover)
Oxford University Press
209,250원(10% 할인 / 6,280원)
Parliamentary Precedents: Being Decisions Of Charles Shaw Lefevre, Speaker Of The House Of Commons (1857) (Paperback)
Robert Bourke | Kessinger Publishing
63,200원(18% 할인 / 3,160원)

Discussion And Judgment Of The Lords, On The Life Peerage Question (1857) (Paperback)
John Fraser Macqueen | Kessinger Publishing
60,180원(18% 할인 / 3,010원)
Burger Und Burgerrecht Im Spatmittelalterlichen Koln: Eine Bestandsaufnahme (Paperback)
Carl Dietmar | Bohlau Verlag Koln
44,640원(10% 할인 / 1,340원)
Die Peinliche Halsgerichtsordnung Karls V. Von 1532 (Paperback)
Klaus Geppert | De Gruyter
49,700원(18% 할인 / 2,490원)
Children and Parents in Medieval Welsh Law (Hardcover)
Sara Elin Roberts | Texts and Translations
100,930원(18% 할인 / 5,050원)

From Zero to Six Figures (Paperback)
Candice E. Iheme | Candice E Iheme
16,550원(18% 할인 / 830원)
A treatise of common recoveries; their nature and use: to which is added the case of Page and Hayward more fully reported than in any other book extan (Paperback)
Nathaniel Pigott | Nabu Press
40,300원(18% 할인 / 2,020원)
Women's Legal Landmarks in the Interwar Years: Not for Want of Trying (Paperback)
Rosemary Auchmuty | Hart Publishing
97,480원(10% 할인 / 2,930원)
Framing Devices and Global Legal Traditions (Hardcover, 1)
Laura Culbertson | Routledge
276,430원(18% 할인 / 13,830원)

Revisiting Juvenile Justice in India : A Study on Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (Paperback)
Atul Jaybhaye | Routledge
81,950원(18% 할인 / 4,100원)
The Evolution of the Gender Pay Gap : A Comparative Perspective (Paperback)
Frances Hamilton | Routledge
81,950원(18% 할인 / 4,100원)
English Law, the Legal Profession, and Colonialism : Histories, Parallels, and Influences (Paperback)
Cerian Griffiths | Routledge
81,950원(18% 할인 / 4,100원)
The Impact of War and Extraordinary Situations on Law in the Context of Agression against Ukraine (Hardcover, 1st)
Patrick R. Hugg | Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissen
140,480원(10% 할인 / 7,030원)

Handbuch Zur Erleichterung Bei Der Anwendung Des Neuen Stempel-Gesetzes: Fur Die Konigl. Preussische Monarchie (1822) (Paperback)
C. W. Dzimski | Kessinger Publishing
39,090원(18% 할인 / 1,960원)
Zur Entstehung Des Feudalismus in Europa (Hardcover, Reprint 2025)
Burkhard Rode | De Gruyter
246,380원(10% 할인 / 7,400원)
Keilschrifttexte Aus Assur Juristischen Inhalts (Hardcover, Zugl. 50. Wisse)
Erich Ebeling | De Gruyter
246,380원(10% 할인 / 7,400원)
Sozial?onomische Texte Und Rechtsurkunden Aus Nippur Zur Kassitenzeit (Hardcover, Reprint 2025)
Rudolf Meyer | De Gruyter
246,380원(10% 할인 / 7,400원)

Darrow's Nightmare: The Forgotten Story of America's Most Famous Trial Lawyer (Los Angeles 1911-1913) (MP3 CD)
Nelson Johnson | Recorded Books Inc.
60,180원(18% 할인 / 3,010원)
Darrow's Nightmare: The Forgotten Story of America's Most Famous Trial Lawyer (Los Angeles 1911-1913) (Audio CD)
Nelson Johnson | Recorded Books Inc.
67,780원(18% 할인 / 3,390원)
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law [1922] (Hardcover)
Pound, Roscoe | Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.
60,180원(18% 할인 / 3,010원)
The Law of Capitalism and How to Transform It (Hardcover)
Katharina Pistor | Yale University Press
45,190원(18% 할인 / 2,260원)

The twelfth part of the reports of Sr. Edward Coke, Kt.: of divers resolutions and judgments given upon solemn arguments, and with great deliberation (Paperback)
Edward Coke | Nabu Press
40,300원(18% 할인 / 2,020원)
The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Law (Hardcover)
Oxford Handbooks | Oxford University Press
363,820원(10% 할인 / 10,920원)
Officers, Members, Constitution, And Rules Of The Union Club, Of The City Of New York (1907) (Paperback)
Union Club of the City of New York | Kessinger Publishing
33,070원(18% 할인 / 1,660원)
A View of the English Editions, Translations, and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors: With Remarks, Volume 2 (Paperback)
Ludwig Wilhelm Br?gemann | Nabu Press
32,760원(18% 할인 / 1,640원)

The State and Legal Traditions of Mongolia: An Historical Overview (Hardcover)
Jigjid Boldbataar | Melrose Legal Publishers
229,000원(18% 할인 / 11,450원)
Wortstellung Im Ofner Stadtrecht: Ein Beitrag Zur Fr?neuhochdeutschen Rechtssprache in Ungarn (Hardcover, Reprint 2025)
Peter Bassola | De Gruyter
246,380원(10% 할인 / 7,400원)
Children and Parents in Medieval Welsh Law (Paperback)
Sara Elin Roberts | Texts and Translations
39,150원(18% 할인 / 1,960원)
The Global Egalitarian Rules-Based System: Climate Friendliness Destabilized by Populist Personality Cults & Authoritarians (Paperback)
Dalena Lorenzo | Independently Published
40,050원(18% 할인 / 2,010원)

V13 : Chronicle of a Trial (Paperback)
에마뉘엘 카레르 | Vintage Publishing
20,950원(18% 할인 / 1,050원)
Navigating Local Transitional Justice : Agency at Work in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone (Paperback)
Laura S. Martin | Cambridge University Press
57,170원(18% 할인 / 2,860원)
The Science of Proof : Forensic Medicine in Modern France (Paperback)
E. Claire Cage | Cambridge University Press
49,540원(18% 할인 / 2,480원)
Nothing More than Freedom : The Failure of Abolition in American Law (Paperback)
Giuliana Perrone | Cambridge University Press
49,540원(18% 할인 / 2,480원)

Codex. Vol.5, 2024: Giornale Romanistico Di Studi Giuridici, Politici E Sociali (Paperback)
L'erma di Bretschneider | L'Erma Di Bretschneider
304,290원(10% 할인 / 9,130원)
Thoughts On Martial Law: With A Mode Recommended For Conducting The Proceedings Of General Courts Martial, Inscribed To The Gentlemen Of The Army (178 (Paperback)
Richard Joseph Sulivan | Kessinger Publishing
42,100원(18% 할인 / 2,110원)
Fault Lines: Contemporary Challenges for Law and Society (Paperback)
Seiran Mamedov | Independently Published
37,660원(18% 할인 / 1,890원)
The Equal Rights Amendment: The Untold Story of the ERA Movement and Its Legacy (Paperback)
Elizabeth Jefferson | Independently Published
18,060원(18% 할인 / 910원)

Gendered Punishments in Medieval Nordic Law, ca. 1100–1300 (Hardcover, New ed)
Helle Vogt | ARC Humanities Press
188,730원(18% 할인 / 9,440원)
100 Cases That Shaped America's Criminal Justice System (Paperback)
Joanitah K. Harr | Peachin Publishers
135,580원(18% 할인 / 6,780원)
Entwurf Einer Civil-Proze?Ordnung F? Den Preu?schen Staat, Mit Den Motiven Nebst Einem Anhange: Welcher Einen Vorschlag ?er Die Einrichtung Des Ge (Hardcover, Reprint 2022)
Christian Friedrich Koch | De Gruyter
210,000원(10% 할인 / 6,300원)
Cahiers de Recherches Medievales Et Humanistes - Journal of Medieval and Humanistic Studies (Paperback)
Silvere Menegaldo | Classiques Garnier
124,020원(10% 할인 / 3,730원)

A Digest Of The Laws Of Texas: Containing The Laws In Force, And The Repealed Laws On Which Rights Rest, From 1754 To 1875, Carefully Annotated, Volum (Paperback)
George Washington Paschal | Nabu Press
60,180원(18% 할인 / 3,010원)
The Grey Festival: Being A Narrative Of The Proceedings Connected With The Dinner Given To Earl Grey, At Edinburgh, On Monday, September 15, 1834 (183 (Paperback)
John Black Gracie | Kessinger Publishing
40,600원(18% 할인 / 2,030원)
The Bristol Contest: Containing A Particular Account Of The Proceedings Of Both Parties, From The Death Of Henry Lippincott, To The Close Of The Poll (Paperback)
W. Pine | Kessinger Publishing
31,560원(18% 할인 / 1,580원)
Jurisprudential Judgments: Legal Theory and Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century (Paperback)
Grayson Bowen | Grayson Bowen
45,180원(18% 할인 / 2,260원)

Gai Institutiones: Codicis Veronensis Apographum Ad Goescheni Hollwegi Bluhmii Schedas Conpositum Scripsit Lapidibusque Exceptam Scripturam... (Hardcover)
Legare Street Press
51,150원(18% 할인 / 2,560원)
Opera Omnia: Volumen Primum Quo In Digestorum Priores Quatuor Partes Et In Justinianei Codicis Titulos Aliquot Commentarii Continentur, Volume 1... (Hardcover)
Fran?is Douaren | Legare Street Press
63,200원(18% 할인 / 3,160원)