DAY 001 봄꽃 나들이_What do you like about spring? DAY 002 약속 시간 잡기_Don’t go out of your way. DAY 003 마트 가는 날_No more impulse buying! DAY 004 다이어트 결심_Why do you eat like a bird? DAY 005 속이 더부룩해_I’m feeling a bit bloated. DAY 006 외모가 경쟁력_You look younger than your age. DAY 007 버스 노선 묻기_It runs every 20 minutes. DAY 008 셀카봉이 필요해_It’s too good to be true. DAY 009 수제 돈가스_My stomach is growling. DAY 010 김칫국 마시지 마_I have good vibes this time. DAY 011 지하철 환승_Do I need to change trains? DAY 012 생일 파티 계획_I wouldn’t miss it for the world. DAY 013 오늘 휴가 냈어_I have the day off. DAY 014 온라인 게임_Wi-Fi is not available. DAY 015 갑작스러운 회식_They don’t think much of others. DAY 016 길을 잃었어_We took the wrong way. DAY 017 다이어트_Can’t you just stop dieting? DAY 018 날씨가 왜 이래_It’s been raining on and off. DAY 019 느낌이 필요해_There is no chemistry between us. DAY 020 야식 먹고 싶어_Haven’t you had dinner yet?
DAY 001 봄꽃 나들이_What do you like about spring? DAY 002 약속 시간 잡기_Don’t go out of your way. DAY 003 마트 가는 날_No more impulse buying! DAY 004 다이어트 결심_Why do you eat like a bird? DAY 005 속이 더부룩해_I’m feeling a bit bloated. DAY 006 외모가 경쟁력_You look younger than your age. DAY 007 버스 노선 묻기_It runs every 20 minutes. DAY 008 셀카봉이 필요해_It’s too good to be true. DAY 009 수제 돈가스_My stomach is growling. DAY 010 김칫국 마시지 마_I have good vibes this time. DAY 011 지하철 환승_Do I need to change trains? DAY 012 생일 파티 계획_I wouldn’t miss it for the world. DAY 013 오늘 휴가 냈어_I have the day off. DAY 014 온라인 게임_Wi-Fi is not available. DAY 015 갑작스러운 회식_They don’t think much of others. DAY 016 길을 잃었어_We took the wrong way. DAY 017 다이어트_Can’t you just stop dieting? DAY 018 날씨가 왜 이래_It’s been raining on and off. DAY 019 느낌이 필요해_There is no chemistry between us. DAY 020 야식 먹고 싶어_Haven’t you had dinner yet? DAY 021 건망증 대장_I’ve searched high and low. DAY 022 짠돌이 친구_What are friends for? DAY 023 해외여행 추천_It’s easy on the wallet. DAY 024 국물이 시원하다_It hits the spot. DAY 025 생활비 고민_I may have to take a part-time job. DAY 026 과일 코너에서_They’re out of season. DAY 027 자동차가 말썽이야_I had my car fixed. DAY 028 단것 좀 그만 먹어_You have a sweet tooth. DAY 029 반려동물 키우기_I’m allergic to animal fur. DAY 030 가짜 뉴스_It went viral. DAY 031 때 이른 더위_It’s terribly hot. DAY 032 반려견 돌보기_Can I ask you a favor? DAY 033 과식의 대가_I haven’t hit the gym in ages. DAY 034 옛날로 돌아갈래_You should get back to normal. DAY 035 자장면 주문_Can I have a bite? DAY 036 신나는 워터 파크_I’ll be back in a flash. DAY 037 최신 인기 영화_Did it get good reviews? DAY 038 타고난 수영 실력_It runs in my family. DAY 039 나 먼저 가 볼게_I don’t wanna spoil the fun. DAY 040 집안 심부름_I put my phone on silent. DAY 041 얼리 어답터_It can be covered by insurance. DAY 042 음식 조심_I could use a drink. DAY 043 소박한 여름휴가_Nothing comes to mind. DAY 044 생활 속 피서지_I got a backup plan. DAY 045 온라인 쇼핑_It’s packed with people. DAY 046 맥주가 당기네_I really feel like a beer. DAY 047 휴식이 필요해_I’m behind in my work. DAY 048 열대야 후유증_The heat keeps me up at night. DAY 049 아쉬운 야구 경기_I guess they’re in a slump. DAY 050 나이는 못 속여_We’re almost halfway through the year. DAY 051 내 시력 돌려줘_My eyesight got worse recently. DAY 052 고기가 안 잡혀_I could eat a horse. DAY 053 층간 소음_How do you put up with it? DAY 054 사랑 싸움 그만해_We’re history. DAY 055 볼링 시합_I haven’t done it for ages. DAY 056 피부 관리_It bothers me that my face breaks out. DAY 057 노후에 뭘 할까_Where do you see yourself in 10 years? DAY 058 동물 병원_Did you walk the dog? DAY 059 헤어지는 날_Just get to the point. DAY 060 가릴 처지가 아니지_Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. DAY 061 이른 출장_I slept through the alarm. DAY 062 기계치 친구_Technology has come a long way. DAY 063 갑질 상사_He picks on every little detail. DAY 064 사랑도 노력이야_She has the seven-year itch. DAY 065 화창한 가을날_It’s better than nothing. DAY 066 고속버스 터미널_It’s time to get on the bus. DAY 067 주제 파악_You don’t seem to know your place. DAY 068 면접 시험_Show them what you’ve got. DAY 069 아기 재우기_He fell fast asleep. DAY 070 엄마와 선생님_We go way back. DAY 071 기분이 별로야_I’m having a bad hair day. DAY 072 어느 바쁜 날_Things don’t always go your way. DAY 073 장거리 연애_Let’s catch up over lunch. DAY 074 대학 동창회_That brings me back. DAY 075 엄마의 잔소리_You should put yourself in her place. DAY 076 친환경 자동차_It must’ve cost you a fortune. DAY 077 엄마의 장난_It’s written on your face. DAY 078 야근 수당 주세요_We’re always short-handed. DAY 079 건강한 습관_I pulled a muscle in my neck. DAY 080 친구의 이혼_They walked down the aisle. DAY 081 금단 현상_Keep up the good work. DAY 082 컨디션 안 좋은 날_I didn’t get a wink of sleep. DAY 083 건강이 최고야_I was passed over for a promotion. DAY 084 엄마의 생일_I’ll treat you to dinner tonight. DAY 085 어깨 통증_My shoulder hurts like hell. DAY 086 고속도로 휴게소_I’m always behind you. DAY 087 육아의 달인_You have a way with kids. DAY 088 객지 생활_I’m biting the bullet. DAY 089 공감력 부족_Are you adding fuel to the fire? DAY 090 보고서 마감_We’re behind schedule. DAY 091 초밥이 너무 좋아_I can’t get enough of sushi. DAY 092 휴대폰 없는 날_How did you get by without the phone? DAY 093 감기 몸살_I’m feeling much better. DAY 094 술자리 마무리_I can’t hold my liquor. DAY 095 승진이 뭐길래_You can say that again. DAY 096 황당한 인사 발령_What’s eating you? DAY 097 밤샘 파티_Don’t hold anything back. DAY 098 성탄절 계획_I’ll check if I can clear up my schedule. DAY 099 송년회 모임_I’m having mixed feelings tonight. DAY 100 새해맞이_I hope you make it big next year.