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[종로점 내부수리중] 서가 단면도

: The world is fortunate to have Professor Lee and his work regarding “Arirang.” The manuscript study that he has created is well researched and documented, easy to read, and profound in its demonstrating the importance of “Arirang.” I believe that the book that will result from Professor Lee’s arduous work will become a classic in Korean historic literature.
Rev. David Koll (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
: In this book you will find an impressively comprehensive treatment of this song.
It is very gratifying to see how our family story of Korean adoption fit into a much larger story. I thank Professor Lee Chung-myun for this diligent and thorough work in researching the ways this song and tune has touched people across the globe.
Professor Lee O-young (Former Minister of Culture)
: This is a book which presents the emotion of the Korean people who love the beautiful melody of this song and peace which the Korean people uphold. This book, I believe will help greatly understand what Arirang means both to Korean and to the English readers.
Yu Chang-sik (the Chief of Jeongseon)
: I assume this English version of Arirang will be widely read in and out of Korea. I do hope the song of Arirang will be sung by more Korean people and peoples from all over the world.

최근작 :<Colors of Arirang>,<누이야, 시베리아에 가봐>,<고대 한일 관계사의 진실> … 총 7종 (모두보기)
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