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[종로점 내부수리중] 서가 단면도

최근작 :<지킬 박사와 하이드 씨의 기이한 사건>,<초판본 지킬 박사와 하이드>,<지킬 박사와 하이드 씨 (완역본)> … 총 6799종 (모두보기)
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최근작 : … 총 31종 (모두보기)

Every child deserves an appealing introduction to the classics, with age-appropriate text and beautiful art throughout. That's exactly what this Classic Starts(TM) provides. Welcome to the world of TREASURE ISLAND

The stories are abridged; the quality is complete. Classic Starts treats the world's beloved tales (and children) with the respect they deserve--all at an incomparable price.

Pirates, buried treasure, and action aplenty--that's what's served up in this fine story, mates, and kids will eat it up. After Jim Hawkins finds the map to a mysterious treasure, he sets sail in search of the fortune. Little does he realize he's boarded a pirate ship, and that surprises and danger await him . . . including a meeting with the unforgettable Long John Silver.