Unlike the majority of books that examine Korean art from broad, sweeping perspectives, Korean Patterns is a closer look at traditional patterns on the Korean peninsula over the centuries. Specifically, Korean patterns and their use in classic food, clothing and shelter are examined in this watershed coffee table book, the perfect addition to your artistic library.
최근작 :<World Heritage in Korea (Hardcover)> ,<The Beauty of Seoul (Hardcover)> ,<Korean Patterns> … 총 9종 (모두보기) 소개 :Jae-sik Suh is a well-known photographer who has published widely and has won a number of prestigious awards both nationally and internationally. In 1986, he was a photographer/reporter for the Asian Games, and again in 1988 for the Olympic Games. For his remarkable photography, he received the "Ministry of Culture and Tourism Prize" at the photography competition held under the auspices of the Korea National Tourism Organization. In addition, he has received more than 50 prizes at various photography competitions. He published The Beauty of Korea in 1998 and The Beauty of Seoul in 2001. In 1999, he was commissioned to work on the book, Hanoak: Traditional Korean Homes. For this outstanding work, he received the "Hanguk Baeksang Publishing Culture Grand Prix" that was conferred by the Hankuk Ilbo Daily Newspaper.
Suh had worked as a photographer for Hanguk Hwabo and the magazine Seoul. Most recently, his photographs can be seen in Sweet Place for Living, a magazine published by Goyang City. He was also the photographer of the internationally well-known book, The Spirit of Korea Taekwondo. As a member of the Korea Photographer's Association, Suh is an outstanding photographer who has greatly influenced the field of photography in Korea.